Monday, July 14, 2008

A Race Against Time

That was the title of an article in the Gentenaar (local newspaper) this morning. Some construction began as early as last Thursday but most of the stage construction and other major changes began this morning.

In many places as many as 80 people will work around the clock in more than a dozen places to get things ready for the official beginning this coming Saturday.

I am working on a sermon and Lucy has been trying to get other things ready since we will be going non-stop from this coming Friday morning.

It is hard to get one's mind around just how massive this festival (actually it is more than a dozen simultaneous festivals) really is. Last year more than 1.5 million people were a part of some or all of the activities. There are some people who begin sleeping during the day so they can party all night. Others fore go sleeping to party hardy.

God and eternity are not on their minds or the radar. Pray that we can help some find the ultimate and eternal celebration in Heaven. They are looking for happiness in all the wrong places. Pray that we can help refocus the attention of some.

We will keep you posted so check back often.

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